Marathon I/II / Infinity

Name: Marathon Infinity
Genre: Dungeon Game
Hardware: 68040 CPU, 256 Colour display, PowerPC recommended. Comes on CD-ROM, HDD installation required
Software: System 7.0
Description: The last in the Marathon series, this is an improvement on Marathon 2 including a new gun and a new texture set. Some excellent level design and fiendish aliens will keep you coming back for more
Tested on: A4000, 25MHz 040, Kick/WB3.0. Picasso II, 18 MB RAM, Mac System 7.1
Rating: Low frame rate at times, even on the smallest screen and lowest resolution. The game itself is worth playing, even with these limitations, though.
Demo available: it`s rather large though....
Tested by: Mike Wyatt


Marathon I/II:

3D Dungeon textured games, slow of course, but it works.
Amiga 4000, 68030/68882, CyberVision 64, 18MB RAM, 4x NEC CD-ROM, Kick 3.0/WB 3.1


Also runs on 040/25, 4xCD-ROM in low resolution.


A bit slow - but it works nonetheless on A1200/Blizzard 1230IV/18MB RAM/OS3.0/ 4.4xCD-ROM from Pioneer.


Too slow even in VGA and small window on: A1200/1230IV/18MB RAM/OS3.0/AGA-EVD-Driver


Work better with High Res 75% Full Audio (Marathon 2 is slower than 1!)
Tested on: Amiga 1200/Blizzard1260/24MB RAM/SCSI HD/HD Floppy/Turbo EVD gfx- driver



First-person, Texture-mapped, 3D Dungeon Game. This is another Doom-like game. You are trying to fight off aliens which have invaded your spaceship. Very smooth graphics, and better gameplay. You have a radarscop to let you know when trouble is comming, and there is more freedom of movement. You can also aler your view up or down. Finally, you have a shield which you can re-charge as manytimes as you want, once you find a charging station. Published by Bungie.

Marathon II:

First-person, Texture-mapped, 3D Dungeon Game. This is another Doom-like game. Not much different from the original Marathon, other than slightly improved graphics, and a few new weapons. All new monsters and scenarios though. You are still fighting off alien invaders in your space-station, and you still have your radar scope and re- chargable shield. Published by Bungie.

Tested on:
A4000 with Macro-System`s WARP ENGINE `040 running at 40MHz, Cybervision-64 (4-meg), Toshiba 6.7 speed SCSI-II CD-ROM, Amiga OS 3.1

Tested by: Adam Burns